
Tag: Secretary of the Air Force
  • World War II laborer champions ‘Rosie the Riveter’ legacy at Pentagon, Capitol Hill

    When it comes to symbolizing the influx of women in the workforce and the wave of patriotism and feminism that surge sparked during World War II, few American icons are more recognizable than “Rosie the Riveter.” Artist J. Howard Miller’s 1942 poster, featuring a bandanna-donning, blue-collared woman with the famed flex beneath the rally cry, “We Can Do It!” grew over time to represent millions of women who stepped up to fill various stateside labor-intensive jobs once held by men, now tapped to fight German and Japanese forces.
  • Air Force’s fiscal 2020 budget focuses on modernization, readiness, confronting global threats

    The Air Force’s budget would rise to $165 billion in fiscal year 2020 under the White House spending plan unveiled March 12, a $10 billion increase that allows the service to grow, modernize and effectively adapt to an array of changing global threats.
  • Wilson’s glide path for a more lethal, ready Air Force of the future

    Emphasizing priorities that will largely define the year ahead, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson stressed the need to modernize and grow the force. She also highlighted how streamlining acquisitions will inject innovative ideas and tools faster and more reliably into every corner of the organization.
  • Inaugural Vice Chief’s Challenge seeks game-changing innovations

    The Air Force is continuing to look to its Airmen to create innovative solutions to the service’s trickiest challenges, this time specifically seeking their help to improve multi-domain operations.
  • Air Force’s focus on readiness yields results, highlights innovation, problem solving

    From a distance, the idea – and operational meaning – of “readiness” for the U.S. Air Force seems straightforward. Be prepared. Have all the equipment, training and personnel necessary to accomplish any mission quickly, efficiently and decisively. It means being primed, prepared and available for full-spectrum combat on a moment’s notice.
  • Revitalizing squadrons, Air Force outlines progress

    The task force conducted an Air Force-wide review, driven by Airmen in the field, to promote best practices and identify improvements. Consisting of Total Force Airmen from diverse backgrounds, they reviewed survey data and gathered inputs from across the Air Force through on-line crowd sourcing and face-to-face discussions with nearly 4,000 individuals, including spouses, from 25 different bases representing all major commands, Reserve and National Guard.
  • Air Force transitions to a single combat uniform

    Air Force leaders announced the service will move to a single combat utility uniform, adopting the Operational Camouflage Pattern, or OCP, already in use by the Army and Airmen in combat zones and in certain jobs across the Air Force.
  • Air Force and NSF announce partnership in science and engineering research

    Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and National Science Foundation Director France Córdova signed a letter of intent May 9, 2018, creating a new partnership for collaboration on scientific and engineering research to bolster national security.
  • Air Force to institute new method to protect PII

    Air Force officials announced Feb. 6, 2018, emails containing personally identifiable information, and similar numeric constructs, will be blocked from transmission unless the email is encrypted. For members unable to send or receive encrypted emails, members will be directed to utilize the AMRDEC SAFE application.
  • Blended Retirement System Opt-In training now available to all Airmen

    The Defense Department will implement the new Blended Retirement System next year. While no one needs to make a decision until Jan. 1, 2018, all Airmen should take advantage of training and informational resources to research their options during the remainder of 2017.
  • Mattis welcomes new SecAF home

    Defense Secretary Jim Mattis ceremoniously swore in Heather Wilson as the 24th Secretary of the Air Force at the Pentagon May 16, 2017.