Title - The Rainier Wing

Winning Your Wings II

Winning Your Wings II

[hassubttitle]Air Force Reserve Command


[hassubttitle]Air Force Reserve Command Mission Video

Aeromedical Evacuation

The 446th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (AES) is comprised of medical professionals who specialize in moving patients by air, whether the need has arisen from a battlefield engagement or other life threatening emergency. This mission is unique to the Air Force Reserve, as traditional Air Force medics are not afforded the same opportunity to engage with their civilian counterparts. Members of the 446th AES are nurses and medical technicians that work in hospitals all over the U.S., accumulating experience treating a wide range of patient needs. The 446th AES has deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and has supported major exercises all over the world. Their experience in patient hand-off and movement are in demand in the multinational arena of modern joint service war fighting and by civilian first responders.