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Blended Retirement System
  • DoD Offers Course for Using Blended Retirement System Comparison Calculator

    Service members eligible to opt into the Blended Retirement System in 2018 can take a free course on the online comparison calculator, to help choose between the BRS or the legacy retirement system, Defense Department officials said.
  • Blended Retirement System Opt-In training now available to all Airmen

    The Defense Department will implement the new Blended Retirement System next year. While no one needs to make a decision until Jan. 1, 2018, all Airmen should take advantage of training and informational resources to research their options during the remainder of 2017.
  • ADLS now hosts required Blended Retirement System Opt-In training

    Airmen eligible for the new Blended Retirement System can now take the required Opt-In training via the Advanced Distributed Learning System versus Joint Knowledge Online.
  • Blended retirement system training now available

    Online training designed to educate Airmen about the new Blended Retirement System, the Defense Department system with changes on the current military retirement system, is now available via Joint Knowledge Online course number P-US1330. The course is also available to those without a Common Access Card -- to include family members -- via an alternate website.