
  • Mental health is health: Resources available

    Being healthy is more than just being physically healthy. It includes mental and emotional well-being as well. Mental health challenges can affect anyone at any age and stage of life.

  • Living with post-traumatic stress disorder

    Imagine someone holds a gun to your head, and then they pull the trigger.Tech. Sgt. Trevor Brewer, with 72nd Security Forces Squadron at Tinker Air Force Base, doesn’t have to imagine it. He lived it.On March 2, 2011, a terrorist boarded the bus Brewer was on and placed a gun to his head. He is

  • Seeking mental health treatment: Chief shares his experience with PTSD

    Many service members struggle with the thought of seeking mental health treatment, thinking of it as a career ender, or possibly that others may think they are weak for seeking help. Corvin said he wrestled with the thought of whether or not to get help, and eventually decided he needed to make a

  • Be there, be aware: Help prevent suicide

    When we focus on our health, it’s easy to pay attention to physical health versus mental well-being. Ignoring mental health concerns like anxiety and depression can lead to worsening symptoms and more serious issues. For some people, these issues may include an increased risk of suicide.

  • Suicide prevention month: stopping suicide is everyone’s battle

    September is Suicide Prevention Month, a time for Americans to build awareness and help understand suicide in our culture. More than 40,000 Americans lose their life due to suicide each year and research shows that rates in the military and the general population are very close. The loss of any one

  • New annual Mental Health Assessment requirement begins July 31

    Starting July 31, 2017, Airmen undergoing their annual Periodic Health Assessment may notice something new. A Mental Health Assessment will now be part of every annual PHA, to help ensure that Airmen suffering from undiagnosed mental health issues are referred to the necessary care. Mental health

  • Around the Air Force: May 19

    On this look around the Air Force, the F-35 Lightning II pilot minimum weight restriction has been lifted and May is Mental Health Awareness Month.