Chaplains are here for you!

  • Published
  • By Chaplain (Maj.) Pierre M. Allegre
  • 446th Airlift Wing, Chaplain's Office

If you've been in the military for any amount of time, you've probably encountered an officer with a familiar or not-so-familiar religious symbol on his or her uniform.

Yes, I'm talking about chaplains. You know we're around, but do you know how we can help you?

For people of faith, we are here to support your Constitutional right to the free exercise of religion. This may not sound like a front-burner issue for a Reservist during a Unit Training Assembly weekend, but believe me, when deployed, this function suddenly becomes a critically important one for many.

Whether at home station or on a Temporary Duty Assignment, if you need prayer, an encouraging word, or spiritual advice, feel free to call on us. For 446th Airlift Wing Reservists, that offer extends beyond the monthly UTA.

Another thing we provide is privileged communication. We all experience difficulty, stress, and sometimes even trauma in life. If and when you find yourself in a tough spot, it's usually a good idea to talk to someone about what you're going through. If you don't have a safe place to go, we are here for you.

Whether you are religious or not, a chaplain is safe person to talk to when you need to someone who will listen to you without a critical, judgmental ear and with 100 percent confidentiality. In other words, there's no way you're going to get in trouble by telling something to a Chaplain. Period.

By the way, Chaplain Assistants are the enlisted part of our team who assist us with administrative and logistical support as well as with personal security.

Your 446th AW Chapel Office is located at the Chapel Support Center, just across the street from the base theater. Our number is (253) 982-8187 and our Chapel Team poster is displayed in your work center.

May God bless you as you serve our country with integrity, selflessness, and excellence!